Fiber optic certification company

Fiber optic certification company

At DDROM, we specialize in certification and installation of fiber optics. Our highly trained technicians with years of experience ensure proper installation and accurate certification.

We make sure that your fiber optic network meets the required standards for optimal performance and maximum efficiency.

Optical fiber certifications

First Level Certification:

This level of certification measures the length, polarity, attenuation, and insertion loss of the fiber. Power meters or light sources are used to verify if the fiber link meets the allowed loss standards. 

Second Level Certificatio:

This second level of certification includes the optical time domain reflectometry technique, which is performed with an OTDR. This procedure complements the first level and allows for measuring the length, insertion loss, and attenuation of each fiber link, following a regulated and precise procedure.

Optical Fiber Testing

Troubleshooting, Verification, and Certification