¿Are you having trouble managing your IT system?

At DDROM Informática, we work on computer maintenance for SMEs and self-employed individuals. It is essential for this sector that their computer system (computers, servers, network connections, computer security) function correctly to optimize time and costs, something very necessary today. The computer maintenance solution for SMEs and self-employed individuals will provide you with everything you need to start your new business or perhaps restructure the entire computer system.

IT consulting for SMEs and self-employed individuals. Invoicing and accounting software and POS for your business. Backup service. Remote assistance. 

Our computer maintenance

On-site or remote computer maintenance

In both cases of computer maintenance, our technical team will ensure that your systems always work under the best conditions.

Most incidents are resolved remotely in a short period of time. If it is not possible, one of our technicians will travel to your premises to solve the problem in person.

In our computer technical service, travel expenses are included.

Incident resolution

We monitor the IT infrastructure status permanently to anticipate any incidence.

We propose a system of continuous improvement and evolution for your company to obtain the best performance. We offer advice and maintenance service from our department to integrate with the rest of your company.

We want our customers to have the best experience with new technologies. 

IT maintenance for SMEs

On-site and remote assistance

Our technicians will be available to solve any incidents either in-person or remotely.

Computer setup

We provide the equipment you need and take care of setting it up for use.

Equipment maintenance

System review, backups, updates, failure prevention, cybersecurity...

ntegrated IT service

IT technical service and advice to optimize resources.

Benefits of hiring our service

Professional and specialized technical service

Increased speed and security in the system

Improved productivity and cost reduction

Remote assistance

On-site service included

Continuous consulting

¿Do you need IT maintenance for your company?

We take care of improving your company's technology